I was real excited when these guys called me all the way from North Carolina. They were starting up a raw/organic supplement company and needed a logo for the company as well as their first product. They were totally into what I had done in the past and were just a blast to work with. They wanted something edgy with a little sex appeal but not raunchy or over the top. Needless to say I was all over this since I rarely get a chance to do graphic work like this. The company logo came together nicely and I am very pleased with the final result. The product logo took a ton of revision but eventually they came up with the idea of a man and woman symbol connected by a flame, which I think fits the purpose of the product perfectly!
All in all it was a fun project and I learned a great deal from it.
The company is called Raw-Nation and the product is an all natural libido/energy enhancer entitled Hot Rawks
Check out their website here
(http://hotrawks.com/) and pick up a bottle of Hot Rawks. It's truly an amazing product!

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